A Comprehensive Guide to Renting vs. Buying Portable Buildings
When choosing to move into portable buildings, a consideration for most residents is whether to buy or rent the property. This is a common dilemma that residents have been facing for decades. With the housing market so expensive in the modern era, more people than ever are choosing to rent, as they simply cannot afford to buy homes. Transportable homes, however, are much cheaper and offer another option to individuals who otherwise may not have been able to buy. Portable homes are also becoming increasingly better in terms of quality and standards, providing people with a comfortable and spacious living arrangement. In this article, Elite Portables Transportable Home Solutions discusses a guide between renting and buying portable homes and which option might be right for you.
Renting Portable Houses
When choosing to rent a transportable home, you generally also have to rent the land that the home sits on. This can prove difficult in some instances, as the block of land that you require is generally rather small, so finding a piece of land whose owner is willing to rent may be hard. If you do manage to figure this out, there are benefits to renting portable buildings. You don’t have to worry as much about maintenance, you have the flexibility to get out of your lease if you find a cheaper option, and there are low up-front costs.
Renting in a Portable House Community
Another rental option is renting in a community of transportable homes. These communities are set up already, so you don’t have to worry about getting your electric, gas and water organised, there is no issue with renting land, as the community already does this, and many communities allow you to pay monthly bills, which makes managing your finances a lot easier.
Buying a Portable House
Buying your own portable home could be one of the smartest financial investments you make. Firstly, it gives you a heap of flexibility in terms of where you want to live. You can move your entire home from one town to another if you wish, allowing you to move depending on changes in family situations, the stage of life you are in at the time, or something as simple as the weather! It also allows you to make as many upgrades to your portable building as you want. You can make it as simple or as luxurious as you please. In terms of finances, transportable homes are extremely cheap compared to regular houses, which gives more people the opportunity to own their own home.
Buying From Elite Portables
At Elite Portables, we help design and create the ideal transportable building that suits your needs. Whether you want a granny flat, a family home or an office building, we have you covered. Find out more about buying a portable building by getting in touch with our trusted team today.