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Your Guide to Long-Lasting Portable Buildings and Outdoor Solutions

Easy Maintenance Tips for Your Portable Buildings in QLD

portable home
Are you looking for easy and efficient ways to maintain your portable building? Whether you’ve recently built a portable home, portable classroom, portable site office or granny flat, the experts at Elite Portables have some easy maintenance tips for your portable buildings. Although transportable or demountable buildings are relatively low maintenance, here are some things you can do to ensure your building is always clean, pest-free, well maintained and stands the test of time.  

Conduct Preventative Maintenance

To save yourself from future hassles and big expenses, it’s important to conduct routine preventative maintenance on your portable buildings. Infact, our portable building experts at Elite Portables recommend this as one of the first steps to take after buying your first portable home. Be proactive and regularly inspect your building’s fixtures, appliances and systems to ensure that they are functioning at optimum levels. Although Elite Portables buildings are made using durable and high-quality materials, from time to time, it’s important to check for possible cracks and leaks in your portable homes and portable buildings as a result of harsh weather conditions.  

Be Regular with Pest Control

As with any property, residential or commercial, it’s crucial to carry out pest control regularly. In Australia especially, there are a variety of insects and animals such as mites, spiders and rodents that can cause severe damage to your property if left unmanaged. To prevent these pests from creating long term issues and expenses for you, contact your pest control professional and schedule regular inspections and services for your portable building or portable home. This will improve the safety of your portable buildings as well as reduce maintenance and upkeep costs for you and your tenants.  

Keep Things Clean

Making sure your portable building is clean from the inside and outside will keep it looking pristine and increase its durability. At Elite Portables, all our portable buildings use high quality steel cladding for its low-maintenance nature and robustness, among other advantages. This means that you just have to give your building’s exterior a simple pressure wash every now and then to keep it looking its best. Similarly, keeping your interiors tidy, well-organised and clean will help protect your portable home, portable office, granny flat or portable building from wear and tear as well as pests.  

Learn How Best to Maintain Your Portable Buildings

With Elite Portables, you get high quality, durable portable buildings that stand the test of time and look good doing it. However, it’s still important to keep your portable homes, granny flats and portable offices well maintained to keep their property value up and to get the most out of your investment. If you’re looking for more tips on how to maintain your portable residential and commercial buildings, contact Elite Portables on 1300 400 278 or through our contact form.